Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dallas Cup Sleuths Solve The “Beckham” Case

DALLAS, TEXAS (October 16, 2008) Sixteen years ago a fifteen year old English boy played his first ever soccer game in the USA, representing the Essex Schools select team at the famed Dallas Cup Youth International Soccer Tournament. Now he plays for the LA Galaxy on a five year, the highest ever, contract offered to a professional soccer player in the history of the game. His name is David Beckham.

In a recent Sports Illustrated article he talks of his first visit to Dallas and how in the Dallas Cup HomeStay Program he stayed with an Hispanic family. He mentioned how welcoming and enjoyable they made his stay. He states that over the years he has attempted to trace that family without success.

In the true Sherlock Holmes/Dr. Watson style, Randy Jones, Dallas Cup tournament manager and Gordon Jago, the executive director, set out to trace the "unknown family." Delving into past tournament records to trace the Dallas teams involved, numerous phone calls and "clever detective work", the case has been solved. The family has been traced and they still live here in the Dallas area. Now all that remains is for a meeting of the HomeStay family with David Beckham to be arranged when David next visits to play against FC Dallas. Another problem? Elementary, my dear Watson."

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