Thursday, July 10, 2008

U.S. Flag Flown in Iraq in Honor of USA Softball Women’s National Team

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA (July 10, 2008) The USA Softball Women’s National Team, which is seeking a fourth-consecutive gold medal next month in the Beijing Olympic Games, has fans worldwide.

One of them, Lt. Col. Clark D. Easter, HHC, 39 IBCT, recently had the U.S. flag flown over the Headquarters, Multi-National Corps-Iraq in honor of the team. The headquarters is located at Al Faw Palace, just west of Baghdad, Iraq.

The flag was then sent to the ASA National Office in Oklahoma City and arrived on June 30.

“I am pleased to have had this flag flown in your honor (U.S. National Team) for I know that my three daughters will be watching with a high degree of interest when you play,” wrote Colonel Easter in the letter accompanying the flag. “We have been to all of the games of the last two years of the World Cup of Softball and have enjoyed it immensely. My daughters are 13, 14 and 19.”

Although Christine, 19, no longer plays softball, 14-year-old Roxanne assists and is a scorekeeper for a fast pitch league, and 13-year-old Tiffany plays competitive fast pitch on a traveling team and plans to play college softball. Colonel Easter, who lives in Arkadelphia, Ark., also umpires and is president of a fast pitch league when not deployed.
In closing, the Colonel said,”Good luck from my family and other personnel in the Middle East who support you and I look forward to watching you play.”

Colonel Easter and the rest of the Easter family won’t be the only ones watching with enthusiasm and anticipation as Team USA tries for a four-peat in Olympic softball.

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